Harold Park residents who have been surveyed on parking restrictions in their road have until the end of this week to send the completed forms back to Havering Council.
Local Residents’ Association (RA) Councillors are urging all those who received a questionnaire to fill them out and send them off by Friday 8th January.
This includes residents of the following roads: Elgin Avenue, Geoffrey Avenue, Halidon Rise, Harold Court Road, Thurso Close, and part of Church Road.
The questionnaires follow multiple complaints that some people have been taking advantage of the lack of parking restrictions with their vehicles – sometimes even blocking access for larger vehicles, such as the weekly refuse collection lorry.
Local RA councillors have responded by giving everyone in the affected areas the opportunity to have their say over the future of their road.
The results will be collated, counted and used by Council officers to draw up a scheme for each road. They will then be scrutinised by elected members of Highways Committee to cast the final vote.
This is your chance to have your say. As your locally elected RA Councillors, we will make sure the final plans reflect the will of residents as much as possible.
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