A127 Ardleigh Green bridge replacement project

a127-bridge-replacementTransport for London has advised that linked to further work on the A127 Ardleigh Green bridge replacement project, it will be closing the A127 on Friday November 4 2016 from 21.00hrs through till 06.00 hrs on Monday November 7 2016 to allow the demolition of the eastern bridge carriageway (Essex-bound direction).

Unlike previous weekend closures which have been only for overnight periods, this is for the whole of the specified weekend between the hours specified.

This is obviously a major ‘milestone’ in the project delivery. It is taking place in tandem with closure of the railway line beneath the bridge. TfL has advised that it will require very intensive working to enable them to complete the carriageway removal and have all debris removed before the rail line opens on the Monday morning to enable timetabled commuter services to resume.

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