We have now analysed all responses from the public consultation, and these demonstrate that there is strong support for Option 5F (49%), as it is better able to reduce congestion and delays at the junction.
Considering this option is also predicted to deliver very good value for money and greater network resilience for future use, we are pleased to announce the preferred route is Option 5F.
Please find enclosed the preferred route announcement leaflet that provides the detail on our decision and the feedback we received from the public consultation. If you would like to read the full Public Consultation Report, then you can do so by visiting www.highways.gov.uk/m25j28 .
A second consultation will take place early in 2018, where you will have another opportunity to give your views and influence the developments of the design. We’ll let you know more about this nearer the time.
If you have any queries regarding the M25 junction 28 improvement scheme, please contact our customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000 or email info@highwaysengland.co.uk .
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