Grass Verges Consultation

Grass Verges Consultation – Halesworth Close, Kingsbridge Close, Kingsbridge Circus, Barnsley Road

The Harold Wood councillors are absolutely delighted that our representations and campaigning for our residents have finally paid off.

At the Highways committee in February, Councillors will be discussing and giving agreement for the council to go ahead and undertake an informal consultation to convert some of the grass verges to hard standing to increase parking capacity and reduce congestion in the following three areas: Halesworth Close, Kingsbridge Close, Kingsbridge Circus and Barnsley Road. See below link for further details

HAC Report Grass Verges Conversion – Recomendations Rev K

HAC Report Grass Verges Conversion – Recomendations Rev L 

Whilst 3 of these areas will come under the Heaton area after the boundary changes take affect in May 2022 we can assure you that our Independent Harold Hill Residents Association Team Heaton Team – Mary Bakoulas, Wendy Brice-Thompson and Martin Glenn who will be ensuring that this is implemented if they are successful in the May local elections. So please support them!

We ask residents to respond positively and be supportive of the consultation when you receive this as extra parking is very much needed in these locations!

For Harold Wood, we shall be pursuing the council to get Barnsley Road completed as well.

Cllr Brian Eagling

01708 373027

Cllr Martin Goode

01708 373645

Cllr Darren Wise

01708 342369



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