The HRA/Labour Administration are proposing to close Harold Wood library which your Harold Wood Councillors believe is unacceptable. This is a well-used library by all residents in our community and has had over 30,000 visitors during the last year when it is only opened for 24 hrs a week. That equates to about 2500 visitors a month.

Residents have told us that they are extremely disappointed with this administration and this proposal as they use the library for a multitude of reasons and believe it is unacceptable that they will need to travel further to use library services outside of Harold Wood.

Please sign the online petition to the council to keep Harold Wood Library open and   convert this to a multi-use library. The petition can be found here –

or scan with your camera and use the QR Code

  1. We shouldn’t close the library down as it benefits so many people day including myself the library should be kept in harold wood

  2. Harold Wood Library is an essential part of our comunity, not only for people to obtain books that they may not be able to obtain, but for the social environment, the Library does so much for this community, it would be one of the saddest things to do.

  3. Please do not close Harold Wood but use it more and in whatever ways attract people there. Libraries should be an educational resource for everybody to use – the savings will not make much of an impact as the gap is far to wide finan cially. Look at other ways to make savings which would have more impact.

  4. If u r going to close the Library I want a reduction in my council tax!!!

  5. Harold Wood has
    no swimming pool
    no sports facilities
    no community hall

    just a library as our only Council facility and much used as our only
    communial venue.

    Closure would leave us with nothing local so should not even be considered

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