
Dog Fouling Means a Penalty!

Dog fouling is a problem that not only leaves a nasty mess but can be a danger to health. While most dog owners are very responsible and do pick up after their pets, there are some who choose to ignore the rules. If dog owners are caught

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Blooming lovely Havering

Havering has won big in the London in Bloom competition, winning 47 awards out of the total of 193, more than any other London borough. Havering won two Gold and Category Awards. The Heritage Park and Garden of the Year for Raphael Park (pictured) recognised one of the capital’s most

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Beware Scam Bank emails

The latest round of scams involves a bogus email from an established High Street Bank (eg Lloyds) alerting recipients of an attempt to access their personal bank accounts through an unrecognised device. It then goes on to ask for account details in order to ‘validate’ and unlock

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Artifice Burglary

We have received the following alert from PC Siobhan Smith of Harold Wood Neighbourhood Policing Team: “Dear Harold Wood Resident On Thursday the 27th of August 2015 police were notified of an Artifice Burglary in Harold Wood. This means that that a person/s pretend to be from

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